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The Shamans of Peru say that “the future is behind us”. This requires a more careful view to our existential gaze towards the future, through the lens of who we have been in the past. It implies what the Greeks have always said to “know thy self”. Inevitably, “here-and-now” is the only moment allowing self-awareness to take place, it is a moment of self-containment and acceptance. The space where we can time travel to accept and change ourselves and our communities.

Venue 1: Solo art exhibition and experiential workshop presentation titled: “Time Travel” at the International Conference PPLG 2019 Play Perform Learn Grow: Bridging Communities, Practices and the World, October 2019, Anatolia College, Thessaloniki, Greece

Venue 2: Solo art exhibition “Time Travel” at Myro Gallery, October 2019, Thessaloniki, Greece

Venue 3: Solo art exhibition “Time Travel” at Hyatt Regency Hotel curated by Myro Gallery, November 2019 – January 2020, Thessaloniki, Greece

Venue 4: Participation in Milan Art Fair 2020 curated by Nord Gallery, February 2020, Milan, Italy

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