An invocation for support is answered with four angels arriving to heal and protect. Indigo as the highest vibration connecting the plane of truth and clarity from above, allows a new perspective of help in our troubled times.
Venue 1: Exhibition at Nord Spetses Gallery, July 2020, Spetses, Greece
Venue 2: Participation in the collective art exhibition honoring Nikos Kazantzakis organized by “Epimoni Techni” curated by Chris Barjoka at Capsis Astoria Hotel, July 2020, Herakleion, Crete, Greece
Venue 3: Participation in the collective art exhibition "Ydrousa - Art Source" organized by Dimitris Lazarou at Adamantia Art Space, Andros island, Greece
Venue 4: Participation in the collective art exhibition "Meet our Spirit" curated by G. Trouli, August-September 2021 at the Royal Blue Resort, Panormos, Crete

1.40 x 1.00m Owned by T.L. Greece

0.35 x 0.45m Owned by Clare Hughes, UK

0.35 x 0.45m owned by PZ Greece

0.35 x 0.45m Owned by Collector in Argos, GR

0.35 x 0.45m Available

0.60 x 0.40m Owned by A. Manolopoulos, Athens

0.60 x 0.40m Owned by Dorthe von Bulow, Denmark

0.40 x 0.30m Owned by V. Donev, Skopje

0.40 x 0.30m Owned by V. Donev, Skopje

0.20 x 0.20m Available

0.20 x 0.20m Available

0.20 x 0.20m Available

0.30 x 0.30m available

0.40 x 0.30m Available

0.40 x 0.30m Available