The art series cherishes the greek island summer scene where the incarnation of God of Love, Eros or Erotas, finds an endless summer locus, being searched by Alitheia, the truth, as the Ancient Greek myth recites. It all is part of a fantasy invocation of a lovers' meeting on a Greek beach.
Venue: Solo art exhibition curated and organized by Loudos Fine Art & Auctions at Domes Miramare Luxury Collection Resort, Corfu, Greece. Summer 2020, 2021, 2022 & 2023
0.70 x 0.70m Owned by collector GR
0.70 x 0.70m Owned by collector, UK
0.70 x 0.70m Available
1.40 x 1.00m Available
0.60 x 0.90m Available
0.60 x 0.90m Available
0,60 x 0,90m owned by collector GR
0,60 x 0,90m
0.40 x 0.50m Available
0.40 x 0.50m Available
0.40 x 0.50m Available
0.40 x 0.50m Available
0.40 x 0.60m Available
0.70 x 0.70m Available
0.40 x 0.60m owned by collector in Germany
0,60 x 0,90m
0.40 x 0.60m Available
0.70 x 0.70m owned by G & C GR